


Action, Thriller

In the streets of Gorakhpur, Saurya, brilliantly portrayed by Saugat Malla, grapples with his troubled mind, haunted by a difficult past. After 1 year of disappearance, his brother and friend, Nisan (Najir Husen), embarks on a quest to find him. As Nisan delves into Saurya's history, a touching story unfolds, involving a mysterious girl named Chandani (Malika Mahat). 'The Unbreakable Agastya - Chapter 1' takes us on a journey through fractured memories and unveils the strong bond between two brothers, revealing the secrets that shaped Saurya's fragile state.

  • Director :  Saurav Chaudhary
  • Cast :  Saugat Malla, Najir Hussain, Nischal Basnet, Malika Mahat
  • Relese On :  March 01, 2024
  • Duration :  2 hours 40 mins