Michael Adhikari

Michael Adhikari

Michael Adhikari


Michael Adhikari film depicts the socio-economic aspect of our society. It tells the story of a poor couple where a husband tries to convince her wife to carry sterile couple's baby in her womb for money. Protagonist's desire to be wealthy in short time leads to unexpected twists and turns touching so many ethical and emotional values. This film tells the bitter truth that when a person takes extra steps than a society's norms, s/he has to suffer dark consequences . Not only that, mother's love to child is so pure and priceless that no any power, position and property can buy it .

  • Director :  Ranjeet Rauniyar
  • Cast :  Saugat Malla, Shristi Shrestha, Aashant Sharma
  • Relese On :  August 19, 2022
  • Duration :  2 hours 12 mins