


Social, Drama

A Girl is born in a Bhramin village in hilly region. She lost her mother right after her birth hence she is named as Tulkee. As she grows older, she begins to menstruate and when she menstruates, she has to stay in chhau goath (Patan) even she doesn’t want to.A boy living in upper Himalayan village named Sangey,alwas meets Tulkee on his way to sell jadibuti. Ever since they started meeting, Sangey and Tulkee become very close to each other, meanwhile the love between the two deepends and Tulkee elopes with Sangey.Now, Tulkee who is unaware about the tradition of polyandry in mountainous region, has to suffer a lot when she falls victim to the practice.

  • Director :  Dev Thapa
  • Cast :  Sishir Bangdel, Som Lama, Swostima Karki, Himali Hamal, Shekhar Lama
  • Relese On :  May 26, 2023
  • Duration :  2 hours 14 mins